
Mary & Jerry




Mary & Katia

Angela’s Synopsis

Angela is a dedicated mother. She wanted to experience life’s greatest moments with her children. Unfortunately, Angela’s weight was causing her to miss out on these moments.

What would be a fun, adventurous, memorable day with her kids at the amusement park turned into Angela watching her children on the park rides. Always watching, never being able to join. She would have to ask a smaller friend to come and join her children on the rides, while Angela would take photos – for what soon would be a memory. Angela knew she was missing out, and she wanted to be a part of these memorable moments. It was because of these experiences that Angela took the first step in her weight loss journey and came to see Dr. Khalili.

When Angela walked into the Center, she knew she was taking charge of her health not only for herself, but for her children. She knew that she would be supported by a team that would guide her into the best version of herself. Dr. Khalili met with Angela, providing an individualized, comprehensive weight loss plan for Angela’s goals that extended far after surgery. To have bariatric surgery is to change your nutrition and exercise habits. Dr. Khalili and our team of registered dietitians and therapists will guide patient’s post-surgery and through each phase of their journey.

Weight loss surgery allowed Angela to be more present with her children, allowing her to lead by example on how to live a healthy life. Angela believes that weight loss surgery changed her life in a completely different direction. If Angela’s story resonates with you, we would love to hear from you.

Come meet Dr. Khalili and the rest of our team and learn more about bariatric surgery options.

Kathy’s Synopsis

Kathy was healthy up until she was 35. She felt like she could eat anything she wanted without gaining weight. Once Kathy hit 32, things began to change – she started gaining weight. The weight came on slowly – first it was 10 pounds – then it was another 10 pounds – and then another. It was through her gradual weight gain that Kathy became obese. She struggled with obesity every day for thirty years from that point on. It can be defeating.

When Kathy realized that her health was getting worse and worse, she thought of her grandmother. Her grandmother died from Type II Diabetes at age 72. Kathy also had Type II Diabetes, hypertension, and high cholesterol. Kathy was 65 – just seven years younger than her grandmother was when she died. She then realized something needed to change. She was afraid for her life. She wanted to live.

She began the process of looking for medical help to take ownership of her life. She found Khalili Center for Bariatric Care and found Dr. Khalili – and her life forever changed. After working with the team at Khalili center, she felt comfortable to take the next step. She knew she needed immense support to make this life changing decision. Khalili Center’s comprehensive approach gave Kathy the confidence that she would be guided through all aspects of the weight loss journey. Kathy’s weight loss surgery had a dramatic effect on her life – it gave her life. Her biggest regret was not doing it sooner. She believes that if you put yourself first and take care of yourself, you can give more to those around you. And she was able to do just that – she was able to see her grandchildren grow up and experience great moments with them.

If Kathy’s struggles sound familiar to you, we invite you to meet our team and learn more about bariatric surgery options. The countless stories we hear on a daily basis remind us that Kathy’s experience is not just isolated to a few people.

Come learn how we can help you and begin your weight loss journey today

Bonnie & Keith’s Synopsis

At Khalili Center, we celebrate each incremental change that lead up to those important milestones.

Bonnie was unable to cross her legs before her weight loss surgery. It served as a small reminder that obesity had taken over. When she was able to cross her legs after surgery, Bonnie saw this accomplishment as a visual change of all the incredible progress she has made.

Keith found comfort at Khalili Center and Dr. Khalili when he felt like his self-esteem was low due to obesity. Before surgery, he did not know if there was a way out of obesity. After his surgery, Keith knew his surgery was an aid to help him lead a healthier, better life.

Although Bonnie and Keith had separate weight loss journeys, they met at a Khalili Center support group. The rest is history – Bonnie and Keith cultivated a relationship through this incredible experience and got married.
At Khalili Center, we strive to provide our patients the best quality care from the moment they inquire and long after surgery. We offer support every step of the way.
If Bonnie and Keith’s struggles sound familiar to you, we invite you to meet our team and learn more about bariatric surgery options. The countless stories we hear daily remind us that Bonnie and Keith’s experience is not just isolated to a few people.

Come learn how we can help you and begin your weight loss journey today

Larry’s Synopsis

Larry was tired of failed diets – tired of his weight fluctuating up and down. As soon as he would start a diet and start losing weight, he became complacent, and he would start gaining weight again. Up 50 pounds, down 70 pounds. He was 317 pounds and the weight kept creeping upon him. He knew he was trouble. He needed consistency. His doctors warned him that his diabetes and arthritis would only get worse if he did not lose weight.
He decided it was time to make a long-lasting lifestyle change. No more fluctuating diets, he knew he needed a surgical aid for weight loss. As soon as he walked into the Khalili Center and saw Dr. Khalili for the first time, he knew he was taking the right step in sustainable weight loss. He had done research on the Gastric Bypass prior to seeing Dr. Khalili, and was amazed that there was a real, sustainable weight loss option for him.

Meeting with Dr. Khalili for the first time, Larry knew he would have support from a team of specialized professionals for the rest of his life. He was no longer alone. He no longer had to worry about fluctuating weight. His weight loss surgery served as a necessary
aid in giving Larry the opportunity to start over again, giving him extreme optimism that there is a way out of obesity.

If Larry’s struggles sound familiar to you, we would love to hear from you. Come meet our team and learn more about bariatric surgery options. The countless stories we hear on a daily basis remind us that Larry’s experience is not just isolated to a few people.

Come learn how we can help you and begin your weight loss journey today.

Marta’s Synopsis

Marta was tired of being tired. At her heaviest at around 220lbs, Marta knew she needed to make a lifestyle change. Everything she did would make her tired. Walking, eating, brushing her teeth, and even talking. She could not continue to live this way; her exhaustion was just too much.

When Marta walked into the Khalili Center, she knew she was making the first step in combating her chronic fatigue and bettering her life. She wanted to live.
After surgery, Marta’s energy levels completely shifted. She has more energy now. She can do more. She can socialize. She can take care of herself. Bariatric surgery saved her life. Feeling light, happy, and alive, Marta can live a happy, healthy life, free of exhaustion and physical ailments.

If Marta’s struggles sound familiar to you, we invite you to meet our team and learn more about bariatric surgery options. The countless stories we hear daily remind us that Marta’s experience is not just isolated to a few people.

Come learn how we can help you today.

Kwanza’s Synopsis

Growing up, Kwanza felt like she was larger than her friends. She had an athletic build. Her friends were sizes two and four, and she was a ten or twelve. Despite the differences in build, Kwanza’s weight gain did not occur in childhood. The weight came on for Kwanza after having her daughter and it never came off. Daily things became harder for her – walking down the stairs was hard on her knees, walking
long distances, uphill hikes – everything felt like a challenge. When these new challenges began, Kwanza was also diagnosed with high blood pressure. No one in her family had high blood pressure, and Kwanza’s doctor had attributed this to her increasing weight. Kwanza knew she needed to take this seriously and began looking into weight loss surgery.

Kwanza knew that taking charge of her health would not only benefit her, but also her daughter. She decided to have the Gastric Bypass Surgery done at the Khalili Center and it forever changed her life. Kwanza recognizes that it was the most important and one of the best things she’s ever done for herself. At Khalili Center, we recognize that the first call to the Center and the decision to have surgery – is a huge step in itself a patients are taking ownership of their health. Our comprehensive approach not only focuses on the physical changes patients will see after surgery, but the emotional changes as well.

Our team will offer support to patients beyond their procedure date. Since her Gastric Bypass surgery, Kwanza decided to join a co-ed soccer team – something that she enjoyed as a child growing up. Kwanza was able to go enjoy things that made her happy. Gastric Bypass is a surgical aid that allows patients to not only improve their physical health, but also give them the opportunity to enjoy life the way they want to.

If Kwanza’s struggles sound familiar to you, we would love to hear from you. Come meet our team and learn more about bariatric surgery options. The countless stories we hear on a daily basis remind us that Kwanza’s experience is not just isolated to a few

Come learn how we can help you and begin your weight loss journey today.

Nichole’s Synopsis

Nichole would walk to her car after a grueling 8-hour workday feeling defeated. Her knees throbbed. Her legs ached. At 5’4” tall and weighing 253 pounds, she knew her weight was holding her back. And she decided to take the first step in her weight loss journey when she came in to see Dr. Khalili.

Walking into the Center, she was determined to change her inner narrative that she was a “fat, lazy person”, but she didn’t know how to start. Our team of experienced and dedicated healthcare professionals knew that making a healthy change in her life required a concentrated focus on Nichole, the person, not her weight. We give our patients comprehensive support by collaborating with our nurse practitioners, dieticians and medical consultant physicians to set up the lifestyle changes necessary for success.

The decision to have weight loss surgery should not be taken lightly. Our team at the Center takes a holistic approach to health and wellness. Nichole’s obesity wasn’t just a number on a scale – it had multiple health problems associated with it. She had a fatty liver, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and was pre-diabetic. Along with these physical symptoms came mental health challenges associated with depression and feeling helpless.

When Nichole found herself sitting across Dr. Khalili, she knew that she found a world leading expert on obesity who would help her take control of her life and health. Soon thereafter, through the highest-quality care for a minimally invasive bariatric surgery, she was back on her feet with a renewed optimism about her personal and professional life. “Being skinny was just a perk for Nichole – it was a “gift” she got with undergoing bariatric surgery that changed her life.”

If Nichole’s struggles sound familiar to you, we would love to hear from you. Come meet our team and learn more about bariatric surgery options. The countless stories we hear on a daily basis remind us that Nichole’s experience is not just isolated to a few people.

Come learn how we can help you and begin your weight loss journey today.

Pam’s Synopsis

Pam was 372 pounds at the height of her weight. When she stopped smoking cigarettes, she started eating more. The more she lost the craving to smoke, the more she ate. As this cycle continued to progress, Pam realized that she needed to make a lifestyle change. She knew that if she did not, her actions would cause permanent health issues. Having a family history of diabetes, Pam knew she did not want to experience those same chronic complications. Having both her mother and grandmother be insulin users and having both legs amputated due to diabetes, Pam was fearful that this would be her fate if she did not make a change.

Choosing the right bariatric surgeon was extremely important to Pam. She was careful in deciding which surgeon was right for her. She did not want to feel overlooked. The first facility she went to treated her like a number, trying to get her in and out as quickly as possible. She knew that approach was not going to serve her, and when she walked into the Khalili Center’s doors, she knew something was different. Dr. Khalili took time to get to know Pam, to get to know her specific needs, and work in a way that would be
the most beneficial for Pam.

She felt comfortable. She had the support from not only Dr.Khalili, but the entire Khalili Center team from day one. She realized that she needed someone trustworthy to present to her medical information so she can make an informed decision – and she was able to get that at the Khalili Center.

If Pam’s struggles sound familiar to you, we would learn to hear from you. Come meet our team and learn more about bariatric surgery options. The countless stories we hear on a daily basis remind us that Pam’s experience is not just isolated to a few people.

Come learn how we can help you and begin your weight loss journey today.

Robin’s Synopsis

At 34 years old, Robin felt like her dating life was nonexistent or strange. After surgery, Robin’s dating life shifted.

She found herself being asked out more often. Although this was an exciting change for Robin, it felt odd and sometimes upsetting to see such a dramatic shift in her dating life – she is still the same person, just a smaller version of herself – one-year post Gastric Bypass surgery.

She believed she was pushed into a stereotype when she was heavier, but she knows that her physical appearance does not determine who she is as a person – who you are on the inside is who you are regardless of your outside appearance. At Khalili Center, we understand that the transformations our patients see are not only physical, but mental changes as well. Our team works closely with Registered Dietitians and Social Workers to offer comprehensive care throughout each journey.

Robin’s weight loss surgery has a dramatic effect on her life – it gave her a new sense of confidence and gave her the tools to live out her dreams. She recognizes the cliché – but knows it is a cliché for a reason – because it is true.
If Robin’s struggles sound familiar to you, we invite you to meet our team and learn more about bariatric surgery options. The countless stories we hear daily remind us that Robin’s experience is not just isolated to a few people.

Come learn how we can help you today.

Sarah’s Synopsis

Sarah felt like she was overweight her entire life. Her weight kept going up and up – with her highest weight being 300 pounds. She was 40 years old, single, and overweight. That wasn’t the life she had envisioned for herself. She knew her weight was holding her back. Sarah loved life and wanted to live a long, happy life. She wanted to be healthy. For this to happen, Sarah knew she had to make a significant lifestyle change.

With this decision, Sarah walked into Khalili Center for Bariatric Care and made the most important decision of her life. Sarah had her weight loss surgery the day before her 41 st birthday, and knew it was the best birthday present she would ever give herself. She was proud to have had this surgery because she was giving herself the opportunity to experience life the way she always wanted to live it. With the support of the Khalili Center team, Sarah knew she was in the right hands. Sarah recognizes that others may not be so open with their decision to undergo weight loss surgery because of the stigma around obesity.

At Khalili Center, we understand how difficult the very first inquiry call can be, and we strive to create a safe and positive environment for all our patients. Dr. Khalili and our entire staff will be supportive from day one of your journey and onwards.

Come learn how we can help you and begin your weight loss journey today.

Angela’s Synopsis

Angela is a dedicated mother. She wanted to experience life’s greatest moments with her children.
Unfortunately, Angela’s weight was causing her to miss out on these moments.

What would be a fun, adventurous, memorable day with her kids at the amusement park turned
into Angela watching her children on the park rides. Always watching, never being able to join.
She would have to ask a smaller friend to come and join her children on the rides, while Angela
would take photos – for what soon would be a memory. Angela knew she was missing out, and
she wanted to be a part of these memorable moments. It was because of these experiences
that Angela took the first step in her weight loss journey and came to see Dr. Khalili.

When Angela walked into the Center, she knew she was taking charge of her health not only for
herself, but for her children. She knew that she would be supported by a team that would guide
her into the best version of herself. Dr. Khalili met with Angela, providing an individualized,
comprehensive weight loss plan for Angela’s goals that extended far after surgery. To have
bariatric surgery is to change your nutrition and exercise habits. Dr. Khalili and our team of
registered dietitians and therapists will guide patient’s post-surgery and through each phase of
their journey.

Weight loss surgery allowed Angela to be more present with her children, allowing her to lead
by example on how to live a healthy life. Angela believes that weight loss surgery changed her
life in a completely different direction. If Angela’s story resonates with you, we would love to
hear from you.

Come meet Dr. Khalili and the rest of our team and learn more about bariatric surgery

Angela’s Synopsis

Angela is a dedicated mother. She wanted to experience life’s greatest moments with her children.
Unfortunately, Angela’s weight was causing her to miss out on these moments.

What would be a fun, adventurous, memorable day with her kids at the amusement park turned
into Angela watching her children on the park rides. Always watching, never being able to join.
She would have to ask a smaller friend to come and join her children on the rides, while Angela
would take photos – for what soon would be a memory. Angela knew she was missing out, and
she wanted to be a part of these memorable moments. It was because of these experiences
that Angela took the first step in her weight loss journey and came to see Dr. Khalili.

When Angela walked into the Center, she knew she was taking charge of her health not only for
herself, but for her children. She knew that she would be supported by a team that would guide
her into the best version of herself. Dr. Khalili met with Angela, providing an individualized,
comprehensive weight loss plan for Angela’s goals that extended far after surgery. To have
bariatric surgery is to change your nutrition and exercise habits. Dr. Khalili and our team of
registered dietitians and therapists will guide patient’s post-surgery and through each phase of
their journey.

Weight loss surgery allowed Angela to be more present with her children, allowing her to lead
by example on how to live a healthy life. Angela believes that weight loss surgery changed her
life in a completely different direction. If Angela’s story resonates with you, we would love to
hear from you.

Come meet Dr. Khalili and the rest of our team and learn more about bariatric surgery

Your Journey to Overcoming Obesity Starts Here.

Weight loss surgery is a tool to reset your life.

Our comprehensive program is everything you need to set you up for your new life and to keep the weight off. All you have to to find out if we’re right for you is to book an appointment.

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